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Hacerme artista.
Become an artist.

When I think about who I was, who I am now, I always return to that image of me jumping on the double bed at the rhythm of the nineties pop music singing and dancing, believing I was an artist. I already felt it. I knew it. 

All my life since then it's been surviving and growing in very diverse and sometimes very hard situations. I slowly forgot how to be a child, how to jump and sing and dance like that, so easily and naturally. Of course, something remained, that was always my thing too. I know how to enjoy and have fun, I appreciate life so much. I've learnt from everything and I am curious. I want to know as much as I can.

When I saw the ukulele in hands of my friend Laetitia, I heard the sound, saw the blue of the room, the white light from the snow and the sun coming from the window. I thought: why don't I ever take it? So, I did as soon as I returned from my lessons. And I just fell in love automatically.

After 2 months just playing some songs, I said in a meeting: "I wish I could get paid from singing and playing the ukulele".

After some months and a lot of struggling with my lifestyle and routine, I decided that I needed to leave Slovakia and start travelling again. Just travel and find out where I lost that kid spirit, and where I can be myself. Somehow find how to become a bit more balanced. 

I went to Prague, that was the beginning. Everything was so uncertain but indeed cozy. I felt at home. I could share my music in Open Mics around the city. I met friends and made new ones. I traced lots of pictures. Felt in love with that freedom walking around the city.

My ukulele project is exactly that: travelling and finding out more about myself and the world. How much can I share? What kind of things can I create? Can I be an artist?

I hope I am not too late :)


Music: Participation in Za slušné Slovensko / Čadca, Slovakia (September 2019)

Za slušné Slovensko (Čadca, Slovakia): Nezabudneme. Pokračujeme

For a decent Slovakia (Čadca, Slovakia): We will not forget. We continue.


More than 18 months have passed since the murders of Ján Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová. During the investigation of this double murder, many other terrible things were revealed: the connection and influence of Marián Kočner on politicians and state officials, the use of a government special for the abduction of a Vietnamese citizen, Tibor Gašpar revealed as an untrustworthy police president and Mária Trošková with Viliam Jasaň as a link between the office. government and the Italian mafia.

We believe that the investigation will be completed soon and the perpetrators indicted. Our first requirement is being met thanks to the bold and thorough work of investigators and prosecutors. We continue to monitor it closely. The second demand - a new and credible government - is gaining in importance with every other case revealed, as well as with the forthcoming elections. We want a government that is based on democratic principles and has no links to organized crime. A government that can restore people's trust in state institutions. We do not forget John and Martin and stand by our demands until they are fulfilled.

That is why we will again take to the streets and squares all over Slovakia together on 20 September.

We also connect with other organizations across the civic sector: nurses, scientists, teachers, artists, students, climate activists and others. We stand together and support each other.

We all care about the same thing. For justice before the law for all without distinction. A decent and functioning country where organized crime has no effect on politicians.

We want to express our support for all honest police and prosecutors. Without them, it would not be possible for the investigation to move forward independently. Let us stand by them, because we know what enormous political and societal pressure they are under. Like journalists who continue to uncover the truth, despite lustration, threats and disrespect from state officials.

On September 20, a strike for climate justice is taking place around the world. Climate change is a threat that we all face, regardless of nationality, skin colour or religion. It is essential that politicians from all countries, including Slovakia, take this issue seriously and address it. The Fridays for Future movement, therefore, has our full support!

Let's show together that we will not forget the legacy of John and Martin.
Let us stand together again after the summer for a decent and just Slovakia.
We are all the ones we have been waiting for.

Music: Latinoamerican Music Ukulele Concert / Zilina, Slovakia (June 2020)


Music: Helado Infinito - Hájovňa / Žilina, Slovakia  (August, 2020)


Music: Open Mic Budapest / Budapest, Hungary (June/July 2020)


Music: Budapest Garden Hostel / Budapest, Hungary (July 2020)

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